Pirates et corsaires
Daniel Vaxelaire
Premiers Castor Doc, 60 p., 7,50 e, ISBN 978-2-0812-0108-8.
Peut-on attirer les enfants à la lecture sans les abêtir ? Flammarion démontre que cet ambitieux objectif est à la portée d'un éditeur intelligent grâce à cette belle collection destinées aux 8-12 ans. Très bien illustré, par des dessins originaux et par des images bien choisies, ce volume consacré aux pirates est l'exemple même de ce qu'il faut faire. Le texte est accessible à des jeunes lecteurs sans pour autant éviter les mots compliqués : il suffit de les expliquer. L'auteur réussit le tour de force de raconter avec un bel esprit de synthèse l'histoire des pirates et des corsaires sans qu'un adulte averti y trouve à redire. Avec justesse, s'il insiste sur les Caraïbes, Daniel Vaxelaire n'oublie pas pour autant les autres régions du monde, notamment les forbans chinois.Chose rare, ce petit livre rappelle que la vie d'un pirate se caractérisait notamment par… l'ennui ! Ces longues journées d'errance dans l'attente d'une proie, ponctuées par des repas maigres et peu appétissants avec pour toute perspective une vie brève et malheureuse.L'auteur sort de la routine des publicistes paresseux et montre qu'il connaît bien son sujet et qu'il a eu de bonnes lectures (qu'il ne cite malheureusement pas en bibliographie). Ainsi, il explique que le bateau du pirate (ou de corsaire) débutant était la… chaloupe. Les unités plus voilées, emportant plus d'hommes et beaucoup de canons étaient rares, l'apanage des marins les plus chanceux. Enfin, le traitement de la guerre de course est tout aussi excellent.Le lecteur apprend qu’elle est un moyen de compenser la faiblesse des marines nationales, ce fut une politique délibérée de la France, notamment sous Louis XIV.

Le « trois-mâts à l'ancre au premier plan » est en réalité une frégate qui entre au port.

Les Allemands ont largement fait appel à des croiseurs auxiliaires pour donner la chasse au commerce ennemi. Ici, une photo du retour en Allemagne de l'équipage du Wolf le 6 mars 1918 après une croisière de 15 mois. L'amiral Bachmann lance un salut à l'empereur Guillaume II.
Signalons une lacune, il passe sous silence les corsaires ennemis de la France qu'ils soient Flamands au service de l'Espagne ou Anglais. Enfin, il oublie de mentionner le traité de Paris de 1856 qui met un terme à l'existence des corsaires, réservant la chasse aux bateaux de commerce à des Marines d’Etat (les Allemands en feront largement usage et l'auteur cite à juste titre l'Atlantis, un des plus extraordinaires corsaires du XXe siècle). A une exception près : la constitution des Etats-Unis n'a pas renoncé à la guerre de course !
The power to grant letters of marque was given to the federal government in the Constitution of the United States in Article 1, Section 8. Such letters were issued regularly in the early years of the United States, particularly during the War of 1812. Privateering was ended by international law in 1856 with the signing of the Declaration of Paris treaty by the major naval powers. The United States, not yet a power, declined to be party to the treaty but observed the end of privateering in practice. During the Civil War, the Confederacy issued 99 letters of marque (the most famous Southern privateer being the fictional Rhett Butler of Gone with the Wind).
Since Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution still stands, some have suggested that the concept of the letter of marque and reprisal could be revived as a weapon against terrorists. Since September 11, 2001, several bills have been introduced in Congress that would allow the State Department to issue letters of marque and reprisal to private individuals to hunt down, attack, and seize assets from terrorists, but none have made it out of committee.
Pour en savoir plus sur cette question de droit public américain
Le lecteur attentif peut relever quelques oublis dus à une relecture hâtive. Les boulets rouges (chauffés au rouge vif dans des fours) étaient utilisés par les artilleurs à terre et non à bord des navires ou encore, le Sea Adler prend la mer au début de la Première Guerre mondiale et non de la Seconde, le nom du cuirassé de poche Admiral Graf Spee est mal orthographié, la carte de la piraterie confond le XVII et XVIIIe siècles, celle de l’empire espagnol d’Amérique n’indique pas de date et ses données historiques sont fantaisistes, etc. Quoi qu'il en soit, ce petit livre est une réussite que l'on doit recommander à tous les parents et aux enseignants.
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[quote]TOKYO – Nearly a half million people in Japan were ordered to higher ground on Sunday, as coastal areas across the vast Pacific region braced for lethal tsunami waves. But only small waves appeared, and there were no reports of damage.
Areas ranging from Sydney, Australia, to the Russian Far East to the Hawaiian islands conducted evacuations and warned residents to be on the lookout for large waves following the 8.8 magnitude earthquake that devastated parts of Chile on Saturday. The Asia-Pacific region waited in suspense for almost 24 hours, the time that scientists predicted it would take shock waves from the powerful earthquake to race across the ocean in the form of massive waves.
But the predicted time of impact came and went, with only waves of up to 10 centimeters reported near Tokyo and of up to 90 centimeters further north along the Japanese coast. The same was true across the region, where officials breathed an almost audible sigh of relief.
“Luckily, these waves are far smaller than the agency’s forecast,” said Kazuaki Ito, director of the Information Institute of Disaster Prevention, a Tokyo-based non-profit group that advises on natural disasters.
The tsunami warning was lifted in Hawaii on late Saturday after waves of about 1.5 meters were sighted, without any apparent damage. Beaches were briefly cleared of swimmers, and tourists were sent to upper floors of hotels. But nations further west left their alerts in place for much of Sunday, even after waves proved small, in case of additional tsunamis triggered by the huge Chilean temblor.
Nations took the warning seriously in a region where raw memories remain of the deadly December 2004 tsunami in the neighboring Indian Ocean that killed nearly 230,000 people in 14 countries.
Some of the biggest preparations were taken by Japan, where meteorological agency officials issued the nation’s first major tsunami warning in 17 years. They initially said they expected walls of water up to 3 meters, or 9 feet, high.
In Tokyo, train lines and highways in densely populated areas along the edge of Tokyo Bay were stopped for hours. Further north, officials said they ordered the evacuation of some 570,000 households from coastal areas mostly on the main Japanese island of Honshu, a areas that has seen killer tsunamis in the past.
Television news programs showed elderly residents in Iwate prefecture sitting on blankets in school gyms that had been turned into makeshift shelters. In the hilly port city of Hakodate, on the northernmost island of Hokkaido, residents sat on hilltops for hours on Sunday watching the sea.[/quote]
I was watching on & off the MSNBC coverage and frankly not impressed with their 'scare' tactic coverage - based on scientific fact and investigation the after-effects would be obvious but hey what's with checking things first these days.... granted the potential for loss of life was there but could news channels act again like news channels - reporting the facts not paranoia & spreading fear.....plus I don't want to hear at the end of it all "Thank God he saved us"....if you believe that surely God caused it in the first place too...
What do you think about all these tsunamis thing?
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Regular property owners insurance plan does not include the particular connected expenses associated with repairing water-damaged parts of your home. Hence, always ensure that your drinking water stream system is carefully taken care of and that leaks, also small types, are usually tackled quickly. Overflows or accidental secretions out of your home's living room sump pump and sewer drain may wreck the floors along with other products in your own home. If you see sluggish money or even plumbing troubles, have an expert examine and repair them just before they will get worse. uzyteczne zrodlo Through expensive jewelry in order to fine art, many items will certainly go beyond the limitation of the regular house insurance policy. A property owner need to research his or her plan plus figure out what the limitation is for the existing policy. If the control is not high more than enough, a rider will require added to the particular plan to provide the additional coverage. House insurance policies frequently will only protect a particular amount of cash. In case a house owner frequently includes a lot of cash in the home, extra insurance might be required to include it all. Poznaj fakty With so many ads regarding various plans plus guidelines everywhere, it could obtain puzzling to understand exactly what it is that is best for you. Yet learning the greatest plan for means that you need to understand what insurance coverage will be. What exactly is it you need to learn about life insurance coverage? Life insurance is definitely, very simply, an understanding in your way on the path to the life insurance company: a person consent to pay out a certain amount to the organization each month and the organization agrees to pay the particular final amount for your household or even nominee right after your passing away. All in all, you receive the particular reassurance that the family members will be at least economically safe should some thing occur to a person. Different companies offer you various insurance coverage programs. Some plans might be phrase programs '" which is for a fixed number of years; while others may be life programs '" that is, till the day you perish. Each strategy demands you to definitely spend a premium for your policy that you simply buy. You might have the choice of having to pay the superior with an annual base as well '" which could help you save the trouble associated with monthly reminders. Przeczytaj
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