J'ai reçu des photos de Pearl Harbour (je n'aime pas écrire Harbor) d'un internaute qui pense qu'il s'agit de faux. Comment peut-on avoir oublié dans un grenier des photos d'une telle valeur ?
En réalité, ces photos sont bien connues pour la plupart et certaines ont même été publiées dès décembre 1942 par
Life (et également
ici). La plupart sont disponibles en ligne sur le site des National Archives.
Le seul intérêt de ces photos est d'être des tirages récents des négatifs originaux. Cela se voit à l'absence de censure.
J'ai identifié sans recherches particulières certaines d'entre elles. Les voici :

Three capital ships afire and sinking, the USS WEST VIRGINIA, the USS TENNESSE, and the USS ARIZONA after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec.7,1941., 12/07/1941
Version de la photo conservée aux National Archives.
USS Downes DD-375 (left) USS Cassin DD-372 (leaning against Downes) and USS Pennsylvania BB-38.
Version conservée aux National Archives.
USS Shaw (DD-373), commissioned on 18 September 1936, was in Floating Drydock No. 2 on 7 December 1941. Shaw was hit by three bombs, which severed her bow and caused the forward magazines to explode. YFD-2 sank, taking the forward section of Shaw with it.
A series of photographs showing the magazine of the USS Shaw (DD-373) exploding. "The most remarkable combat photographs of all time - taken at the exact moments the destroyer blew up
Version de la photo conservée aux National Archives.
Navy's caption: The smoldering battleship USS NEVEDA silhouetted in the fire and smoke of theUSS SHAW which exploded when her magazine was hit by bombs from Japaneseaircraft during the attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941., 12/07/1941.
Version de la photo conservée aux National Archives. Détail de la photo ci-dessus ?
Pearl Harbor attack- Stern of USS Shaw (DD-373) in floating drydock YFD-3. Shaw is has been attacked and fires are out of control which will later result in her forward magazine detonating. Bow of USS Nevada is partly visible at far right of photo with tugboat Hoga tied up at the bow pouring water onto the Nevada fires."

Naval photograph documenting the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii which initiated US participation in World War II. Navy's caption: The terrific explosion of the destroyer USS SHAW when her magazine exploded after being bombed by Japanese aircraft in the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, 12/07/1941
Voici la version conservée aux National Archives. Elle date visiblement de la Seconde Guerre mondiale car le navire au premier plan a été noirci alors que sur le tirage récent, il est parfaitement visible.
Abondoning ship aboard the USS CALIFORNIA after the ship had been set afire and started tosink from being attacked by the Japanese in their attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941., 12/07/1941 ARC Identifier 295981
Version des National Archives.
Sailors stand amid wrecked planes at the Ford Island seaplane base, watching as USS Shaw explodes in the center background, 7 December 1941. USS Nevada (BB-36) is also visible in the middle background, with her bow headed toward the left. Planes present include PBY, OS2U and SOC types. Wrecked wing in the foreground is from a PBY.
Version de la photo conservée aux National Archives.
Ford Island seaplane base.
View looking toward Pearl Harbor Navy Yard with USS Shaw burning in floating drydock YFD-2, and with USS Nevada (BB-36) burning at right. USS Oglala (CM-4 is capsized in the foreground.
Navy personnel on the seaplane ramp at Kaneohe Naval Air Station move a damaged PBY-5 seaplane to safety.
2 commentaires:
Le jour où Hitler a perdu la guerre...
Dommage qu'il ait fallu attendre cela pour que les US daignent enfin s'intéresser à ce que d'autres enduraient seuls jusqu'alors.
Les tournants historiques sont comme les arêtes du dé qu'est le temps.
Hello, nice post.
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